13-19 Sekiguti 1 Chome, Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo-to 112-0014, JAPAN

Hot Kelp tea (Ume kelp tea is also brewed in the same way)
Calorie : 4kcal, Salt content : 0.8g, Cooking time : 1 minute
Ingredient(1 presons)
Kelp tea (Ume Kelp tea) 2g
Hot water 100cc (100g)
How to make
How to make
(1)Put a one spoon the Kelp tea in a cup.
(2) Please pour boililg water 100cc(Hot water temperatures above 90 ¡î) into a bowl.
(3)After stirring well,please drink.
£Ç£Ù£Ï£Ë£Õ£Ò£Ï£Å£Î TEL +81-3-3260-6464 (Main Number)
13-19 Sekiguti 1 Chome, Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo-to 112-0014, JAPAN